

The Academy by FOSC: Youth Soccer Done Right

The Academy by FOSC is designed for youth players from the ages of 3-6 years old. The entire emphasis of the Academy is to introduce youth to the game of soccer in a fun, nurturing environment. Academy members are taught the skills and an appreciation of the "beautiful game" and are encouraged to utilize and experiment with these skills in both practice and game situations. The Academy program consists of skill training sessions with our highly respected youth staff. Academy members will also participate in game situations against players of their own age from other clubs in short-sided games. In these games, players are given the chance to utilize the foot skills learned throughout the training sessions rather than pressured to simply win every match.

The goal of the Academy by FOSC is simple...

FOSC aims to provide a stress-free atmosphere to expose young players to the game. We emphasize skill development in a non-competitive environment that encourages players to flourish while focusing on skill development. The Academy emphasizes quality and long-term benefits rather than short-term gain, within an age-appropriate development process.

For more information about the FOSC Academy, contact: Brandon Robson at 

Contact us


1091 N. Liberty Keuter Rd
Lebanon, Ohio 45036

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